K e r a l P r i s o n s
Order No. Date Subject Language Download
KPCS/718/2025-E6 18/03/2025 Appointment to the post of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-9470/2024/PrHQ 10/01/2025 Appointment to the post of Assistant Prison Officers - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-13452/2024/PrHQ 08/01/2025 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Grade I - orders issued. MALAYALAM
Order No. Date Subject Language Download
E1-21237/2022/PrHQ 16/08/2024 Appointment to the post of P.D Teacher - Orders issued. MALAYALAM
E6-13452/2024/PrHQ 11/12/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Grade I - orders issued. MALAYALAM
E3-24798/2014/PrHQ 10/12/2024 Appointment to the post of Office Attendant in Prisons Headquarters - Orders issued. MALAYALAM
E6-8265/2024/PrHQ 16/10/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-13452/2024/PrHQ 04/10/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Rajeevan O.K - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-22747/2024/PrHQ 01/10/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.II, Prson Officer, Gate Keeper, Deputy Prison Officer and Assistant Prison Officer - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E2-24579/2021/PrHQ 28/09/2024 Transfer and posting of Santhosh P.G, Deputy Prison Officer and Sineesh S, Deputy Prison Officer - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-8265/2024/PrHQ 23/08/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I (by Transfer) - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-9470/2024/PrHQ 16/08/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Prison Officers - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-22747/2024/PrHQ 06/08/2024 Transfer and posting of Assistant Prison Officers - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-9470/2024/PrHQ 06/08/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Prison Officers - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-31269/2022/PrHQ 05/08/2024 Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr. II - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-9470/2024/PrHQ 05/08/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Prison Officers - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-8371/2024/PrHQ 05/08/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Prison Officers (NCA) - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-22747/2024/PrHQ 29/07/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Prson Officer, Gate Keeper and Deputy Prison Officer - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-22747/2024/PrHQ 26/07/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.II - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E3-34379/2023/PrHQ 25/07/2024 Transfer and posting of Assistant Prison Officer cum Driver - Order issued. MALAYALAM
E6-7823/2016/PrHQ 24/07/2024 Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-13452/2024/PrHQ 19/07/2024 Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-3621/2024/DIGPCZ 19/07/2024 Office of the DIG of Prisons (Central Zone) - Transfer and Posting of Deputy Prison Officers and Assistant Prison Officers - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
SICA1-3185/2024/DIGSICA 10/07/2024 Office of the DIG of Prisons (South Zone) & Director SICA - Transfer and Posting of Deputy Prison Officers and Assistant Prison Officers - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-13259/2024/PrHQ 12/07/2024 Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Deputy Superindent - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
G.O. No.1708/2024/HOME 21/06/2024 Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Deputy Inspector General of Prisons, Superintendent of Central Prison, Joint Superintendent, Welfare Officer Gr. I, Superintendent of Women Prison - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-16336/2024/PrHQ 14/06/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Fair copy superintendent, Selection grade typist, Senior grade typist and UD typist - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-19500/2019/PrHQ 11/06/2024 The posts of Welfare Officers in the Jail Department are redeployed - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-8265/2024/PrHQ 01/06/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-13452/2024/PrHQ 21/05/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-8265/2024/PrHQ 18/05/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-21237/2022/PrHQ 04/05/2024 Appointment to the post of P.D Teacher - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-9470-2024-PrHQ 02/04/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Prison Officers - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-8371/2024/PrHQ 19/03/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Prison Officers (NCA) - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-8265/2024/PrHQ 15/03/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-8265/2024/PrHQ 15/03/2024 Appointment to the post of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I (by Transfer) - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-31269/2022/PrHQ 12/03/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr.II - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-7823/2016/PrHQ 28/02/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 22/02/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.II, Prson Officer, Gate Keeper and Deputy Prison Officer - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 07/02/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-3474/2024/PrHQ 03/02/2024 Transfer and Posting of Narendran P.M, Deputy Superintendent - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-4737/2021/PrHQ 01/02/2024 Appointment of Assistant Prison Officers (SR for SC/ST) - Orders Issued. MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 23/01/2024 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.II, Prson Officer, Gate Keeper and Deputy Prison Officer - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 05/01/2024 Smt. Rocky K.O - Promoted as Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
Order No. Date Subject Language Download
E6-31269/2022/PrHQ 12/12/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr.II - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 22/11/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.II, Prson Officer, Gate Keeper and Deputy Prison Officer - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-7823/2016/PrHQ 21/11/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 14/11/2023 Sri. Rajesh P.R. - Promoted as Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - Order issued. MALAYALAM
E1-15018/2022/PrHQ 01/11/2023 Appointment to the post of Welfare Officer Gr-II through transfer - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-3138/2023/PrHQ 31/10/2023 Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Deputy Superindents - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
GO.No.2778/2023/HOME 30/09/2023 Transfer and Posting of Welfare Officer Gr-I - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 23/09/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.II, Gate Keeper, Prson Officer, Deputy Prison Officer, Assistant Prison Officer- Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-7823/2016/PrHQ 01/09/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-17433/2023/PrHQ 25/08/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of ministerial staffs - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-15018/2022/PrHQ 09/08/2023 Appointment to the post of Welfare Officer Gr-II through transfer - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 09/08/2023 Promotion/Transfer and Posting to the post of Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-3138/2023/PrHQ 26/07/2023 Amending the order granting Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Deputy Superindents - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-3138/2023/PrHQ 24/07/2023 Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Deputy Superindents - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-6718/2023/PrHQ 20/07/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of ministerial staffs - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-10757/2023/PrHQ 13/07/2023 Smt. Krishnaja K, Senior Superintendent is promoted to the post of Accounts Officer in Prisons Headquarters - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
G.O.(MS)No.1873/2023/HOME 12/07/2023 Promotion/Transfer and Posting to the post of Joint Superintendent in Prisons Department- Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-4787/2023/PrHQ 12/07/2023 Smt. Ramla Beevi A. - Promoted as Female Deputy Superintendent - Order issued MALAYALAM
E1-6718/2023/PrHQ 07/07/2023 Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Senior Superintendent - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
No.1725/2023/HOME 30/06/2023 Promotion/Transfer and Posting of Deputy Inspector General of Prisons, Superintendent of Central Prison / Open Prison / High Security Prison / Women Prison, Welfare Officer Gr. I, PA to DGP and Accounts Officer - Orders issued MALAYALAM
E6-31269/2022/PrHQ 22/06/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr.II - Order issued:- MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 20/06/2023 Promotion/Transfer and Posting to the posts of Assistant Superintendent grade-II, Prison Officer, Gate keeper and Deputy Prison Officer in Prisons Department - Orders issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 15/06/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.I - order issued:- MALAYALAM
E1-17433/2023/PrHQ 14/06/2023 Promotion/ Transfer and Posting of ministeerial employees - order issued:- MALAYALAM
E6-31269/2022/PrHQ 13/06/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr.II - order issued MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 06/06/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr.I - Order issued MALAYALAM
SICA1-2247/2023/DIGSICA 30/05/2023 South Zone - Transfer and Posting of Deputy Prison Officers and Assistant Prison Officers - Order issued MALAYALAM
E1-4787/2023/PrHQ 30/05/2023 Smt. Minimol P.S. - Promoted as Female Deputy Superintendent - Order issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 29/05/2023 Promotion/Transfer and Posting to the posts of Assistant Superintendent grade-II, Prison Officer, Gate keeper and Deputy Prison Officer - Orders issued MALAYALAM
E3-11152/2023/PrHQ 27/05/2023 Transfer and posting of Assistant Prison Officer cum Driver - Order issued. MALAYALAM
E3-11152/2023/PrHQ 27/05/2023 Transfer and posting of Assistant Prison Officer cum Driver - Order issued. MALAYALAM
E1-3138/2023/PrHQ 27/05/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Deputy Superindents - Order issued. MALAYALAM
E6-7823/2016/PrHQ 25/05/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Asst.Supdt.Gr.I - order issued MALAYALAM
E6-14155/2023/PrHQ 09/05/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.I - order issued MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 24/04/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.I - order issued MALAYALAM
E6-2279/2023/PrHQ 29/03/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.I - order issued MALAYALAM
E6-6904/2023/PrHQ 15/03/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.I - order issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 16/02/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.II, Gate Keeper, Prison Officer - order issued MALAYALAM
E6-31269/2022/PrHQ 08/02/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Asst.Supdt.Gr.II- order issued MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 06/02/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.I- order issued MALAYALAM
E1-8898/2017/PrHQ 11/01/2023 Shri.Biju.T appointed as L.D.Typist at Prison Head Quarters- order issued MALAYALAM
E5-30925/2022/PrHQ 04/01/2023 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.II, Gate Keeper, Prson Officer, Deputy Prison Officer- order issued MALAYALAM
Order No. Date Subject Language Download
No.E3-24798/2014/PrHQ 28/12/2022 Appointment of Mrs. Rajinamol OV to the category Office Attendant in the Prisons Department - Orders issued. MALAYALAM
E1-25883/2022/PrHQ 21/12/2022 Promotion/ Transfer and Posting of Ministeerial Employees- order issued :- MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 17/12/2022 Promotion/ Transfer and Posting of Asst.Supdt Gr.I- order issued :- MALAYALAM
E1-25883/2022/PrHQ 15/12/2022 Promotion/ Transfer and Posting of Senior Supdt. order issued :- MALAYALAM
E1-320/2022/PrHQ 12/12/2022 Promotion/ Transfer and Posting of Dy.Supdt. order issued :- MALAYALAM
E1-14235/2022/PrHQ 02/11/2022 Relieving order of Sri.Muhammad Mustafa, Clerk, PrHQ MALAYALAM
No.3003/2022/HOME 27/10/2022 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Regional Welfare Officer, Welfare Officer Grade-I- order issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 22/10/2022 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.II, Gate Keeper, Prson Officer, Deputy Prison Officer- order issued MALAYALAM
E1-22124/2022/PrHQ 20/10/2022 Smt. Reesa,Senior Superintendent on return from deputation – Permitted to join duty w.e.f 21-10-2022 - subsequent reversions in lower categories - Orders ENGLISH
E1-3490/2022/PrHQ 20/10/2022 Promotion and posting of chief Welfare Officer order issued. MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 20/10/2022 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Asst.Supdt.Gr.I order issued. MALAYALAM
E1-320/2022/PrHQ 13/10/2022 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Deputy Superindents- modified order issued. ENGLISH
E1-320/2022/PrHQ 30/09/2022 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Deputy Superindents-orders issued. ENGLISH
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 25/07/2022 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Grade II, Gate Keeper, Deputy Prison Officer - orders issued. MALAYALAM
E1-3378/2022/PrHQ 25/07/2022 Promotion/Transfer and posting of ministerial staffs - orders issued. MALAYALAM
E6-23156/2015/PrHQ 21/07/2022 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Grade II - orders issued. MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 16/07/2022 Promotion and posting of Assistant Superintendent Grade I - orders issued. ENGLISH
E1-3378/2022/PrHQ 13/07/2022 Appointment to the category of Senior Superintendent in the Prisons Department - Promotion and Transfer – Orders issued. ENGLISH
E6-14917/2020/PrHQ 06/07/2022 Promotion/Transfer and Posting to the posts of Female assistant Prison Officer in Prisons Department- Orders issued. MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 05/07/2022 Promotion/Transfer and Posting to the posts of Assistant Superintendent grade-II, Prison Officer, Gate keeper and Deputy Prison Officer in Prisons Department- Orders issued. MALAYALAM
G.O(Rt)No.1761/2022/Home 24/06/2022 Designation of the Heads of the Department of Prisons & Correctional Services as Director General of Prisons & Correctional Services - orders issued. English
E1-32114/2021/PrHQ 22/06/2022 Prisons - Order granting promotion / transfer to the post of Joint Superintendent. Malayalam
E1-320/2022/PrHQ 10/06/2022 Appointment to the category of Deputy Superintendent in Prisons Department - Promotion, Transfer & Posting Order issued MALAYALAM
E1-12126/2022/PrHQ 09/06/2022 Promotion,Transfer and Posting of Ministerial staff - Orders issued. MALAYALAM
E1-31830/2021/PrHQ 08/06/2022 Order granting promotion to the post of Central Jail Superintendent. MALAYALAM
E1-13527/2022/PrHQ 31/05/2022 Shri. T. G. Santosh is given the full additional charge of Chief Welfare officer - Orders issued MALAYALAM
E5-12882/2022/PrHQ 26/05/2022 Transfer to the posts of Deputy Prison Officers in Prisons Department- Orders issued MALAYALAM
E6-12696/2022/PrHQ 19/05/2022 Transfer and Posting to the posts of Assistant Superintendent grade-II in Prisons Department- Orders issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 13/05/2022 Promotion/Transfer and Posting to the posts of Assistant Superintendent grade-II, Prison Officer, Gate keeper and Deputy Prison Officer in Prisons Department- Orders issued MALAYALAM
E6-11230/2022/PrHQ 09/05/2022 Appointment of Shri. K Krishnaprasad - Assistant Superintendent Grade - I as Attingal Sub Jail Superintendent - Orders issued MALAYALAM
E1-10414/2022/PrHQ 26-04-2022 Handing over the full additional charge of the DGP & CS to the South Zone DIG of Prisons - Orders issued MALAYALAM
G.O(RT) No.1161/2022/Home 23/04/2022 Promotion/Transfer and Posting to the posts of Deputy Inspector General of Prisons, Central Jail Superintendent and Joint Superintendent in Prisons Department- Orders issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 22-04-2022 Promotion/Transfer & Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-II, Prison Officer, Gate Keeper, Deputy Prison Officer - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E6-9297/2022/PrHQ 16-04-2022 Appointment of Sub Jail Superintendents- Orders issued MALALYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 12-04-2022 Transfer & Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-II, Prison Officer, Gate Keeper, Deputy Prison Officer - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E6-23156/2015/PrHQ 07-04-2022 Transfer & Posting of Feamle Assistant Prison officer Smt.Lijimole from Women's Open Prison to District Jail Kottayam MALALYALAM
E1-320/2022/PrHQ 07-04-2022 Promotion, Transfer & Posting of Deputy Superintendents - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E5-4737/2021/PrHQ 30-03-2022 Appointment of Assistant Prison Officers (SR-ST) - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E6-23156/2015/PrHQ 24-03-2022 Promotion, Transfer & Posting of Feamle Assistant Superintendent Gr-II - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 23-03-2022 Promotion, Transfer & Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-II, Prison Officer, Gate Keeper, Deputy Prison Officer - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E6-5787/2022/PrHQ 10-03-2022 Promotion to the post of Assistant Superintendent Gr-I- Orders issued MALALYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 22-02-2022 Promotion, Transfer & Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-II, Prison Officer, Gate Keeper, Deputy Prison Officer - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E5-1907/2021/PrHQ 13-01-2022 Appointments under the compassionate scheme of Kerala Government - Orders issued MALALYALAM
Order No. Date Subject Language Download
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 27-11-2021 Promotion, Transfer & Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-II, Prison Officer, Gate Keeper, Deputy Prison Officer - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E1-19042/2021/PrHQ 18-11-2021 Promotion, Transfer & Posting of Deputy Superintendents - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E5-4737/2021/PrHQ 18-10-2021 Appointment of Assistant Prison Officers (SR-ST)- Orders Issued- reg. MALALYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 01-10-2021 Promotion, Transfer & Posting and Appointment of Assistant Superintendent Gr-II/Prison Officer/Gate Keeper/Deputy Prison Offcer - Orders issued MALALYALAM
E6-7823/2016/PrHQ 30-09-2021 Promotion and Transfer & Posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr-I MALALYALAM
E6-22970/2021/PrHQ 16-09-2021 Promotion of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr-II - Order issued MALALYALAM
E6-23156/2015/PrHQ 16-09-2021 Transfer and Posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr-II - Order issued MALALYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 16-09-2021 Promotion of Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - Order issued MALAYALAM
E5-13932/2020/PrHQ 16-09-2021 Appointment of Assistant Prison Officers - Orders Issued- reg. MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 13-09-2021 Promotion of Assistant Prison Officers, transfer and posting of Deputy Prison Officers- orderd issued- reg MALAYALAM
E6-16805/2021/PrHQ 08-09-2021 Transfer & Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - orders issued - reg. MALAYALAM
E6-510/2016/PrHQ 01-09-2021 Appointment of Assistant Superintendent Gr-I(By Transfer)- Orders Issued- reg MALAYALAM
E3-24798/2014/PrHQ 01-09-2021 Smt. Yamuna Kumari. N, Office Attendent - Relieving from Jail dept. for joining as L.D Clerk in Municipal Corporation - Order issued MALAYALAM
E5-13932/2020/PrHQ 04-08-2021 Appointment of Assistant Prison Officers - Orders Issued- reg. MALAYALAM
E5-13932/2020/PrHQ 30-07-2021 Transfer and Posting of Assistant Prison Officers - Order issued MALAYALAM
E6-23156/2015/PrHQ 16-07-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr-II - Order issued MALAYALAM
E6-7823/2016/PrHQ 15-07-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - Order issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 02-07-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Deputy Prison Officer - Order issued MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 01-07-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - Order issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 01-07-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-II, Prison Officer and Gate Keeper- Order issued MALAYALAM
E1-16362/2021/PrHQ 01-07-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Deputy Superintendent - Order issued MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 30-06-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Asst. Superintendent Gr-I - Order issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 30-06-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Deputy Prison Officer - Order issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ(2) 30-06-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Gate Keeper - Order issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ(3) 30-06-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Prison Officer - Order issued MALAYALAM
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ(4) 30-06-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Asst. Superintendent Gr-II - Order issued MALAYALAM
E1-4788/2021/PrHQ 28-06-2021 Promotion, Transfer and posting of Ministerial employees - Order issued MALAYALAM
E1-13026/2021/PrHQ 26-06-2021 Smt. Leena. S - Promoted as Female Deputy Superintendent - Order issued MALAYALAM
E6-20976/2020/PrHQ 18-06-2021 Transfer and posting of Mrs. Sindhu John, Female Assistant Prison Officer - Order issued MALAYALAM
E1-4788_2021_PrHQ-809 10-06-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Senior Superintendent- Orders- Issued MALAYALAM
E6-7823/2016/PrHQ 04-06-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Female Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - Orders- Issued MALAYALAM
E1-3904/2021/PrHQ 22-05-2021 Transfer and Posting of Welfare Officer Gr-II - orders - issued MALAYALAM
E1-3904/2021/PrHQ 22-05-2021 Transfer and Posting of Welfare Officer Gr-II - orders - issued MALAYALAM
E1-578/2021/PrHQ 22-05-2021 Transfer and Posting of Deputy Superintedents - orders - issued MALAYALAM
E1-4336/2021/PrHQ 18-05-2021 Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Superintendent, Central Prisons, Joint Superintendents and Welfare Officer Gr-I - orders issued - reg. MALAYALAM
E6-11162/2021/PrHQ 06-05-2021 Sri.Rijin Mohan, Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - Appointed as Duty Officer, Prisons Headquarters MALAYALAM
E6-15184/2020/PrHQ 03/05/2021 Transfer & Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - orders issued - reg. MALAYALAM
E5-13932/2020/PrHQ 20/04/2021 Appointment of Assistant Prison Officers - Orders Issued- reg. MALAYALAM
E6-1177/2020/PrHQ 23/02/2021 Promotion / Transfer to the post of Assistant Superintendent Grade - I - orders Issued MALAYALAM
E5-13932/2020/PrHQ 20/02/2021 Promotion / Transfer to the post of Female Assistant Superintendent Grade - II - orders Issued MALAYALAM
E5-13932/2020/PrHQ 10/02/2021 Appointment of Assistant Prison Officers - Orders Issued- reg. ENGLISH
E6-7823/2016/PrHQ 08/02/2021 Promotion to the post of Female Assistant Superintendent Grade - I - orders Issued MALAYALAM
E6-15184/2020/PrHQ 12/01/2021 Transfer & Posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-I - orders issued - reg. MALAYALAM
E1-578/2021/PrHQ 07/01/2021 Shri. Akhilraj K.P, Superintendent, Special Sub Jail, Vaithiri and Shri. Rinil K.K, Superintendent, Special Sub Jail and Kozhikode are mutually transferred- orders issued. MALAYALAM
No. Date Subject Language Download
E1-4274/2020/PrHQ 03-07-2020 Mutual Transfer and posting of Spl.Sub Jail Superintendent, Mavelikkara and Dy.Superintendent, SICA Malayalam
E5-3932/2020/PrHQ 01-07-2020 Assistant Prison Officers - Appointment order English
E5-22779/2019/PrHQ 17-06-2020 Promotion/Transfer and posting of Assistant Superintendent Gr-II Malayalam
SICA 1-259/2020/DIGSICA 15-06-2020 Transfer and Posting of Assistant Prison Officers of South Zone Malayalam
E5-4134/2020/PrHQ 12-06-2020 Feamale Assistant Prison Officers - Appointment order Malayalam
E5-045/2020/PrHQ 03-06-2020 Feamale Assistant Prison Officers (SC/ST Category) - Appointment order Malayalam